Welcome to the Pleasant Hill Community Garden!!

The “Garden” is located at the corner of Myrtle and Lexington just West of the Pleasant Hill pool.  The type of garden that we will be growing is called a Group Production Garden.  This is when individuals come together to share the tasks of growing food which will be shared by member gardeners. Excess produce will be taken to the pleasant Hill food pantry.

The garden itself is about one half acre, and is supplemented by several raised beds.  The garden is divided into zones with a team working each zone, and each team will have a zone leader.  Each team is responsible for the planting, weeding and harvest of their designated zone with all garden members able to share in the resulting produce.  For example,  you may work in the cucumber zone.  The cucumbers you grow will be shared with all the garden members, just as you will share in the tomatoes, beans, potatoes etc. grown by the other garden members.  Some people may wish to participate who are not physically able to weed rows and rows of plants, we will accommodate anyone willing to work.

Your membership is for the 2024 growing season, dues of $45 are paid once a year in the spring. .   Please join us to learn more about this vital part of our community.  

    The cost to join the Pleasant Hill Community Garden is $45 per family.  The fee is due by 6/3/2024.